Request a Quote for Your Private Group First Aid Training

Please complete this form so we can understand your group needs and provide you with a quote for your training.

Private first aid group training classroom

We'd love to train your group!

We offer:

Private Group First Aid & CPR Training in Coquitlam

Areas served: Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, Pitt Meadows, Maple Ridge, Mission, Langley, Burnaby, and New Westminster.

If you don’t have a suitable room (see Training Room Requirements below), you can book a private course at our Coquitlam location.

Private group first aid training is easy to organize.
Book a date with us and provide a group of people.
We’ll take care of everything else.

  • Adequate space for seating and practical sessions.
  • Clean floor
  • Washrooms nearby
  • Electrical outlets
  • One or two tables
  • Chairs for each participant and the instructor

Training Room Size

For Level 1 equivalent courses (Emergency and Standard First Aid), WorkSafe BC requires a minimum of 500 sq ft of clear floor space in addition to the seating area.
Red Cross minimum room size requirements: 1.4 m2 (15 sq. ft.) available for every 2 participants.


Our instructors will bring all the equipment they need to teach the course, however, if you have the following equipment available for use, please let us know:

  • Projector
  • Whiteboard
  • Flip chart board

Group size

  • Red Cross First Aid/ CPR courses – Minimum 12, Maximum 18.
  • Mental Health First Aid – Minimum 10, Maximum 15.

If you have a small group or prefer not to organize a private class, please consider registering individuals on one of our public courses.

Private Group First Aid & CPR Training for Your Business– FAQ’s

Interested in organizing a private group first aid and CPR class for your business or community group? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we get from business owners and group leaders.

FAQ’s about private group first aid training

Scheduling a private first aid class

Pricing and Payment

Course duration and timing

Training Room and Equipment Requirements

Booking a private class for your organization

For further information or a quote for a class at your school, please contact us
If you have a small group (less than 12 people) you may like to consider registering them on one of our public classes in Coquitlam:

View public course schedules: