An adult couple sits holding hands across the desk from a doctor. On the desk between them are papers, pens and a phone.

The Importance of Advocating for Your Medical Treatment

The following story will illustrate the importance of advocating for your medical treatment.

William Bryan was vacationing in Florida with his wife when he started experiencing abdominal pain on his left side. After investigations at the hospital, a surgeon convinced him to get his spleen removed and said that if Bryan chose to leave the hospital without the surgery, he would experience serious complications.

Bryan reluctantly agreed to the procedure. However, during the operation, the surgeon mistakenly severed the major blood vessels supplying Bryan’s liver and removed his liver instead of the spleen. Bryan bled out on the operating table and died. Read the full story here.

We only have one body to live in for our entire lives, so taking good care of it is essential. It’s important to speak up if a medical professional suggests a course of action we are uncomfortable with. We must take responsibility for our health and wellness, maintain our records, seek clarification and explore our options before agreeing to a treatment plan. With medical issues, we can improve our chances of survival by being assertive.

You only get one body, so speak up if you have doubts about your medical treatment.

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